
Three Trending Automation Solutions to Empower your End-User Services

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IT ecosystem in the current digital world remains agile and responsive. Huge demand exists for automation as it assists in delivering services quickly and efficiently without errors in the organizations. If you are the one confronting numerous issues with manual services, then you have a better choice with automation solutions.

What is automation? Why IT ecosystem relies on automation?

Automation provides positive results on IT services from initializing an incident to the closure of the corresponding ticket. End-user Service Automation involves either automation or semi-automation services with a combination of automation platform for IT Service Desk and human intervention to reduce end-user support tickets before user attention with adherence to compliance. 40% of users resolve issues themselves without any assistance from support agents. In the software domain, the design of Cobots includes the functions of both automation and human beings to solve any issues of end-users. Cobots can empower you to solve machine/application problems themselves, which support environmental compliance without agents.

As per Gartner's IT Automation Predictions, IT automation services will replace more than 50% of current manual operational tasks in infrastructure-managed services. 63% of CIOs responded IT transformation is one of the functional areas where automation is planned and improved efficiency as the most significant driver.

Self-service automation solutions are not a new concept in the IT field. Several industries and businesses are aware and even adopting them for their betterment of efficiency, costs, and environment. Even IT service providers are offering self-service automation solutions to their customers with convenient options. A few benefits associated with automation in IT include increased quality, less time consumption, cost savings, less dependency on resources, ease of tracking, and positive end-user experience. Apart from cost reduction, automation solutions will provide benefits associated with productivity, reliability, availability, and performance. Self-service automation is achieved either through automated or semi-automated solutions comprising less user involvement for any type of automation tools.

Following are the three trending automation solutions that will empower your end-user services.

1. Semi-Automated Services

End users ensure adherence to compliance with semi-automated functionalities. Incident-based self-services help end-users to fix issues such as System performance, Printer settings, and installation, Office suite troubleshooting, VPN connection issues, Internet Explorer issues, and Know-how on various applications and tools with In-App intelligent guidance. These services are usually illustrative incidents fixed by end-users easily without relying on external agents or service support.

2. Cobot guided self-service

Cobot guided self-services serve as the best substitute for an IT support engineer, which are hosted either as an online portal or as an offline application. Cobots are implemented in the self-service solutions to reduce end-user intervention and facilitate them without interruption on critical business operations.

3. Self-healing and proactive remediation services

These services help to maintain system health and proactively solve issues. Self-healing services facilitate detecting issues and resolve them automatically without user notifications.

By adopting either of these three automation solutions, the user experience will extensively increase as compared to the manual solutions. Semi-automated solutions with Cobots decrease the complexity of problems and reduce user risks. Cost and time effectiveness leads to a simple, self-service portal and all capabilities to enhance IT agility, adaptability, and acceleration.

Inspirisys offers service automation solutions by blended automation platform for IT Service Desk and human intervention to reduce tickets, enhancement in overall productivity with the Cobot guided self-services, incident-based self-services, and self-healing remediation services.

Posted by Admin

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