nirmal prabhu profile

Samundi M

Software Engineer - PeD Banking

Dowlath Towers, Chennai

Which foods do you crave the most?

Podi Dosa and Chicken Biriyani.

What are your hobbies?

Travelling and Sports.

Who inspires you the most?

My Father.

Can you share your favourite sports and sportsmen with us?

Cricket - MS Dhoni & Volleyball - Yuji Nishida.

Can you share your achievements beyond your work?

Beyond my professional endeavours, I find immense joy and rejuvenation in sports, particularly Cricket and Volleyball. Recently, our spirited team, Loki Legends, triumphed in the Inspirisys Premier Cricket League, a momentous achievement that filled me with pride. What made it even more special was being recognized as the Man of the Series, which was truly a memorable moment for me. It's these moments of camaraderie and success that truly enrich my life beyond the workplace.

I am also a State Level Volleyball player and won several accolades for both Volleyball and Cricket. Sports is my ultimate outlet, where I invest my full effort and relish every moment.

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What do you enjoy most about your role at work?

What I enjoy most about my role is the intricate nature of testing software, especially in Pension Modules. Working with these modules is particularly gratifying for me as I love crunching numbers and solving complex calculations. Transitioning from software testing to development has allowed me to apply my skills in implementing pension modules for various banks. Seeing the successful outcomes has been incredibly rewarding.

How would you describe your team in a few words?

My team consists of twelve dedicated individuals who nurture an environment of approachability, friendliness, and responsibility. We share a strong commitment to our work and each other, collaborating seamlessly to achieve our collective goals. Together, we work in harmony, thriving on mutual respect and support, making our team truly exceptional to be a part of.

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Is there any other hobby that excites you?

Absolutely, I love travelling! Whenever I get the chance, I make it a point to explore new places with friends. Travelling is my perfect escape from the daily grind; it rejuvenates me and I savour every moment of it. I have a special fondness for hill stations. Recently, I visited Kodaikanal, and it was an incredible experience. The breathtaking scenery, the cool climate, and the enchanting Guna Cave made it unforgettable. If you haven't been to Kodaikanal, you're missing out on a gem!

Can you share a life lesson you've learned along the way?

There are four crucial life lessons I've picked up along my journey. Firstly, hard work has taught me to keep pushing forward, even when things get tough. Then, continuous learning has shown me that staying curious is the key to staying ahead. Next, being responsible has taught me to own up to my actions and be reliable. Lastly, commitment has reinforced my dedication to my endeavours, motivating me to stay focused and dedicated to my aspirations.

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Words of Wisdom

Looking back on my experiences, I've come to realize a few important things that I think everyone should keep in mind.

Firstly, one must never speak ill about people in their absence and treat everyone with respect and kindness, no matter who they are.

Secondly, I believe that we should always embrace a mindset of continuous growth and learning, as every experience teaches us something valuable.


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