
Top Trends for Evolving Data Centers in 2020

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At the end of 2020, the digital universe will reach 40 trillion gigabytes of data. That is equal to 40 billion 1TB hard disks. The growth of data is unprecedented. It needs effective data management in the data centers to seize its myriad opportunities.  Innovations are driving the trends of data centers in this zettabyte age. They are directed to improve the speed of deployment, uptime, energy efficiency, sustainability, and accessibility. These data center trends below are expected to ultimately drive businesses to the next level.

Machine-generated data vs. Human-generated data

data centers, human generated data, data center trends, data center servicesThe advent of IoT is revolutionizing almost all the industries. It is the life support of industry 4.0. The huge volume of data generated by IIoT devices surpasses the human-generated data. On the other hand, 5G will drive the capabilities of connected devices. Natural streaming data which includes video, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning datasets will have the lion’s share of data growth. Especially Artificial Intelligence systems can produce a vast amount of data in a short timeframe. This volume of data demands significant storage. For instance, Tesla is teaching cars to drive with 1.3 billion miles of autonomous self-driving data. So data centers have to cope with the increasing storage demand of machine-generated data.

New Architectures

Data complexity is directly proportional to data volume. Complexity in the data centers has a number of unwelcome effects on organizations. Some of the adverse effects of data center complexity are increased costs, longer lead times for storage migration, reduced agility, longer lead times for provisioning storage, security breaches, lost or misplaced data, downtime, compliance incidents, etc. Revamping data center architectures is been considered to mitigate the rising complexity. These new constructs will involve multi-tier workload-optimized storages that support AI and IoT datasets. In addition, data centers will develop new approaches to system software. In 2020, we’ll see an extensive amount of application and storage software investments in data centers.

Local and Regional Data Centers

data centers, local and regional data centersThe rising popularity of cloud computing and Software as Service solutions have become a prime focus and risk for Chief Regulatory Officers (CRO). Countries have started to pass data localization laws. They are focusing on network segmentation and data sovereignty. India is about to announce its first data protection bill to prevent storing Indian Consumers’ data outside the country. Organisations will need to keep their data within the boundaries to mitigate potential security and privacy risks associated with data compliance. So, in 2020, we can expect numerous initiatives of data center establishment and state-wide intranet projects in different countries.

Edge Computing

Modern computing has been dominated by cloud models. It allows users to collaborate using centralized and shared IT resources. But the latency becomes worse when the cloud has to process a huge volume of data concurrently. So data centers are marching towards a new solution. The idea of distributed processing and storage resources closer to users is known as Edge Computing. Edge Computing will shape the future of data centers. It helps organizations to break beyond the limitations imposed by traditional cloud-based networks. Since speed is vital to the core business functionalities, enterprises are expected to move toward edge computing technology in 2020.

ISL Data Center Solutions

Inspirisys provides world-class Enterprise Data Center Solutions backed by full lifecycle support to ensure a lower cost of ownership. We constantly adapt to the data center trends and stand-ready to handle unprecedented machine-generated data. We help organisations to comply with the data localization regulations. Some of our data center solutions are

  • Green IT Transformation Solutions
  • Information Management Solutions
  • Database & Middleware Application Service

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