
Top 3 Evolving Trends in Test Automation Strategies

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Test Automation market remains dynamic to accommodate the rapid digital transformation, intelligence, and business activity for numerous domains. These variations with continuous testing are going to be a dominant strategy in test automation scenario. Long delivery cycles are obsolete, because of continuous delivery and deployment practices. Hence, conventional test lifecycles are outdated.

Transparency market® research shows a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 15.04% between 2017 and 2025 for test automation market. Global test automationmarket was valued at approximately USD 15.87 Billion in 2016 and expected to reach approximately USD 109.69 Billion by 2025.

From a geographical standpoint, North America earns maximum revenue in the global test automation market. In 2016, it contributed around 46.0% share in the revenue among overall market, remained the market leader, and had a value of USD 6.80 billion in 2016 and expected to reach USD 20.42 Billion by 2022.

Mobility and cloud contribute a significant portion of the test automation market of North America. The Asia Pacific and Europe equally share the remaining market share.

From a deployment panorama, test automation market lies on Public cloud, Private cloud, and on-premise.

Key Trends

The key trends in test automation rotate around open-source and continuous testing. Even though commercial tools like UFT and Test Complete sustain in the market, open-source continues its dominance. Selenium is the most popular open-source test automation framework and has become a core framework for other open-source test automation tools.

In addition to the current trend of mobility testing and testing in cloud platforms, three key trends change the testing landscape in a significant manner.

  • Internet of Things (IoT) is the top trend. Even though the service and product industry are engaged in (IoT) for a while, the organization still have to fine-tune the testing strategy in this technology vertical. Substantial changes are expecting in the testing of IoT products in the upcoming years.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) incorporation keeps increasing in the business intelligence domain, which may definitely change the testing tool spectrum and hence the automation strategy as well. Testing algorithms and predictive analysis will get a significant role. 
  • Blockchain is the third trend in the industry, which notably transforms the test automation scenario. Due to the complexity and security, it is essential to verify a change in the block. Block size, Chain size, Load, Transmission of data, encryption, and security are the main areas of coverage.

More agility and shorter delivery cycles demand quick and iterative validation of software units without compromising the quality. DevOps philosophy enforces organization to redesign their test strategy to maintain a balance among technology, methodology, and workforce. Integration of test framework with continuous integration tools and virtualization tools will help DevOps to continue this practice in test automation more securely.

Test automation framework development with Behaviour-driven development (BDD) testing will remain in the market. The test automation has to leverage its technology to be competitive with the evolving technology trends and practices.

At Inspirisys, we have a dedicated testing team in areas covering - Mobile, Cloud and Network.

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