
The Importance of Cloud Data Security in the Era of Remote Work

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remote workers

Cloud computing has become an integral element of digital transformation in businesses, especially after the global pandemic made remote working the new normal. Video conferencing platforms, messaging apps, virtual private networks (VPN), and Cloud storage are assisting the transition to remote work.

With the trend of remote and hybrid work culture taking centrestage, Cloud computing security and Cloud data security have become vital components of business infrastructure. Interestingly, while some businesses have been prompt to identify the threats and made the necessary shift, a lot of businesses continue to ignore the importance of data security protocols and advanced Cloud security measures.

Cybersecurity risks in the era of remote work

identity and access

With the culture of remote work and hybrid work taking over, more employees are working from unsecured endpoint devices now. They may be using home computers and home internet networks instead of a secure company network to log into work. This paves the way for access to confidential information without security, making the company system vulnerable to data security breaches and cyber-attacks.

Furthermore, with diminishing boundaries between office and personal work, employees could be using office laptops even for after-work use like opening personal emails, shopping sites, or social networking sites which can compromise the security of company data. This could happen if or when an employee leaves the device open at a public place.

Also, there  is a higher possibility of phishing attacks happening while working remotely compared to working in an organizational environment. When it comes to file sharing, many companies encrypt their files while storing or transferring them on their network but that's not possible for remote employees.

With the rising threat to data security and Cloud security from remote work and Cloud-based infrastructure, several organizations are yet to improve their existing security setup. According to the 2021 Thales Data Threat Report, only 20% of respondents indicated that their security infrastructure was prepared to deal with the disruption. By investing wisely in Cloud data security, through Cloud security companies and Cloud security solutions, enterprises can fortify a successful transition to hybrid work culture in the new era.

Cloud data security in the era of remote work

Let us look at some of the major reasons why every enterprise using Cloud infrastructure needs to prioritize Cloud data security in the era of remote work:    

Enhanced data security

remote workforce

Considering the value and importance of data, its security is a priority for businesses across the globe. Cloud computing offers centralized storage of vast amounts of data, and securing it is important. While a Cloud services provider will secure certain aspects of your Cloud environment, what enterprises need is robust, personalized, and well-supervised Cloud security infrastructure to ensure perfect data security.

Enhanced control on the passage of information

While easy access to data on the Cloud is a basic feature, effective Cloud security features can help govern data access protocols where information is restricted based on user access policies, thereby safeguarding sensitive information. Further, one can keep confidential documents from malevolent insiders or hackers with stolen credentials by implementing strict access controls.  

Prevent accidental data breaches

access control

An increasing number of data leaks on the Cloud are due to misconfiguration of the Cloud managed services and inaccurate security on the Cloud. Proactive monitoring of cybersecurity and protocols can optimize an organization’s ability to foresee potential threats and prevent accidental data leaks. Intrusion detection can be used to aid the detection of misappropriation or irregularities in the Cloud environment, alerting data administrators to respond quickly.

Easier and efficient data recovery plan

More than the loss of a laptop or mobile devices, it is the loss of confidential and sensitive data they contain which is agonizing. With the shift to remote work, as more data is getting stored and distributed across hybrid work environments, data breaches have become a more serious issue. While the virtual data storage on a Cloud infrastructure network offers some backup to the physical loss of data, effective security protocols are required to safeguard this data in case of a network failure or external breach.

A cost-effective strategy for long-term results

software as a service

A common misconception around Cloud security is that a personalized, and effectively implemented security for the long term comes at a hefty price. This is far from true. Several organizations, including SMEs and start-ups, which are essentially digital-first businesses, are allying with third party technology service providers and Cloud security companies to offer secured data services in their Cloud. They can help create a safer and efficient business environment with definitive reduction in long-term operational costs.

Moving towards a secure work future 

From personal to professional, and everything in between, 2020 changed our way of living. In this period of rapid digital transformation, several organizations came under cyber attacks. Despite witnessing fast-paced growth in digital adoption, India recorded a 37% rise in cybercrimes in the first quarter of 2020. This highlights the urgent need to understand and adopt a robust Cloud security strategy to fight the rising incidents of cybercrime.
Inspirisys partners with some of the leading brands across industries in delivering Cloud security solutions for their entire Cloud lifecycle. By taking the requisite measures in Cloud network security, companies can reduce cyber threats significantly and leverage the benefits of Cloud in the new era of remote work. Get in touch with us to enhance your Cloud security solutions.

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