
Responding to COVID-19 Inspirisys Human Capital Management Function

The world is constantly changing, as we learn more about the global pandemic. No one can predict the future. The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have shaken the world in many ways. Remote work, social distancing, and quarantine are the new normal. While volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) be the best ways to describe the current world and leading by example in this VUCA world is not a cakewalk for an HR organization which is one of the busiest functions during this pandemic. Let’s dive deep into the pulse of the HCM organization in Inspirisys and its top priorities.

Responding to the Crisis

Crisis response has become the top priority for the HR organization in Inspirisys. It falls under five crucial areas - Communication, Remote Work, Continuous Learning, Resource Optimization, and Reporting. On the whole, it is aiming at giving the best employee experience during this crisis for the balanced and integrated work life.

The HR organization has developed and created a set of channels for communication, tools for remote work, and daily reporting capabilities on infection, location, and information about work at home. These measures address some of the employees’ most pressing concerns while transitioning to a remote workplace. Daily crisis standups provide regular, stable updates to employees to re-assure about future, clarifying roles and responsibilities as they shift in real-time.

Reskilling and Upskilling

Albert Einstein says, “Learning is an experience. Everything else is just information”. The HCM organization in Inspirisys has always believed that continuous learning is imperative for reskilling and upskilling. There were 24 eLearning modules that has been rolled out during this lockdown and optimized through the gamified assessments. There was a sequence of webinars organized for the HR organization and soon it will be extended to business to engage talents.

Physical & Mental Wellbeing

The response of the HR organization has also been expanded to employees’ physical and mental wellbeing in dealing with uncertainty. Inspirisys introduced helpline numbers in association with Don Bosco Institute of Psychological Services to negate the negativity of this pandemic and also the sequences of health awareness and engagement programs that facilitated employees to contribute more towards the organizational goals.

While many HR organizations wouldn’t be designed for addressing COVID-19 like a scenario that is unique and unexpected, Inspirisys HCM organization has immediately created a response team with an agility that was creative, constructive and corrective in its responses and empowered the local HR Business partners to focus on real-time action. It is driven by its cultural values - Customer Success, Resilience, Respect, High Energy, Self-Belief aiming to be the high performing team.

Posted by Admin

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