
IT Roadblocks that can derail remote-working contingency Plans

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Two out of five organisations have no business contingency plan in place to deal with a sudden disruption or a disaster. The recent coronavirus outbreak poses a state of flux to almost all businesses across the world. As a business continuity plan, stepping into the work-from-home approach is the only option to mitigate the risk in this pandemic situation. But, it is vital to know some IT roadblocks that can derail the remote-working contingency plans. In this blog, we’ve outlined some of its most critical IT challenges and solutions to overcome this pandemic situation.

Endpoint Security

endpoint security, inspirisys security servicesEndpoint security is ensured when the endpoints are within the organizations’ security perimeter. Protecting hundreds of thousands of endpoints is one of the top work-from-home issues. By complicating the picture, many companies and organizations are working on legacy systems and they are using software that is not patched. Specifically Government, legal, healthcare, insurance, and banking are the industries that are not prepared for this massive adoption of the remote working environment. To mitigate the risks, applications require VPN connectivity, testing, and validation. Additionally, risk-assessments of remote workers’ computing setups are essential.

Unauthorized Access

Inappropriate exposure to the organization’s data can lead to significant adverse consequences. Getting unauthorized access to sensitive details becomes easy in the case of remote working.  A door with only one lock is easy to break to an opportunistic thief. In this case, multi-factor authentication is typically considered stronger than single-factor authentication. It strengthens the security and it is an essential component of cybersecurity in remote-working conditions.


inspirisys services, communication servicesEven on the edge of this digital world, face-to-face meetings have not become passé. When the bulk of your communication happens via email and limited video conferencing software, small misunderstandings could lead to a disaster. Remote-work always needs extra communication. It is recommended to have high-quality video conferencing software to avoid any communication gap. The solution is to communicate clearly to clarify anything that could lead to the ordeal.


Assets Management

The quality of assets management influences the productivity and efficiency of a business. Crucial assets such as software, data, and other important business information should be accessed remotely. Organizations that adapted to cloud technology, reaping its benefit in remote working situations. It is recommended to adapt cloud storage solutions to access and manage the assets anywhere and at any time.  Additionally, cloud security has to be taken into the concern to keep cyber-attacks at the bay.

How Inspirisys can help to overcome the challenges?

Inspirisys delivers various business continuity solutions and services to effectively respond to COVID-19, address remote working issues, proactively handle unprecedented and adverse business impacts, especially risk assessment, disaster recovery planning, business impact analysis, and continuity planning. With our vast expertise in the security, cloud & infrastructure landscape, we offer a wide range of enterprise security solutions to fence the remote workers from vulnerability exposure and cloud & infrastructure solutions for effective asset management with collaboration capabilities. We also provide end-to-end cloud solutions and services for remote access to business assets.

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