
Cloud 2020 in Numbers The Growth of Cloud

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There is no denying that the foundation for digital business is the cloud. It helps enterprises to respond to the current competitive environment. As businesses tide over the unprecedented waves of COVID-19, the cloud is firmly established as the new normal for enterprise IT. It remains to be the fastest-growing segment of IT spend. Furthermore, it continues to be the right strategy for businesses focusing on cost optimisation. One of the key findings in IDG's 2020 Cloud Computing Survey shows that 92% of the organization’s IT environment is at least somewhat in the cloud today. This blog outlines the cloud statistics that demonstrate the health of cloud adoption in 2020.

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81% of organizations already use cloud

Since 2015 Cloud adoption level has been accelerated. In a survey of 551 IT decision-makers, 81% reported already using cloud computing infrastructure or having applications in the cloud. This has increased from 73% in 2015.

12% of organisations plan to adopt cloud-based applications in the next 12 months

As cloud-based applications are cost-effective and scalability of the cloud is the most sought feature in enterprise IT, businesses plan to adopt cloud in the next 12 months. It helps them to more efficiently run their organization.

Cloud will hold 32% of total IT budget

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Companies expect to hold 32% which is third of their total IT budget to cloud computing in the next year. It was 30% in 2018. This may not seem like a significant change as a percentage. But in dollars, the average investment on cloud is up 59% from 2018 to 73.8 million USD in 2020.

83% of enterprise workloads will be in the cloud

A survey by LogicMonitor predicts that 41% of enterprise workloads will be run on public cloud platforms. It is predicted that on-premise workloads are to shrink from 37% to 27% in 2020.

45% of enterprises choose hybrid cloud

Enterprises prioritize hybrid cloud and it is the weapon of choice for 45% of enterprises. 31% of enterprises choose public cloud as their top priority. While 6% strive for a hosted private cloud, 9% of enterprises prioritize on-premises private cloud.

70% of companies in the Financial Sector are still in the early stages of cloud adoption

The financial sector is slowly taking one step at a time in this regard. Around 70% of companies say their cloud initiatives are still in the trial and testing stage. But they have clear strategies in place for the future.

The leading cloud providers will have a distributed ATM-like presence by 2023

Businesses have started focusing on cost-optimization in every aspect of their operations. In the new era of cloud, the adoption is critical to significantly reduce the operational cost. To address the challenge, by 2023, leading cloud providers will have a distributed ATM-like presence.

The public cloud market will grow to 299.4 billion dollars

The public cloud market including cloud applications (SaaS), development and data platforms (PaaS), and infrastructure (IaaS) services combined, is expected to grow to $299.4 billion in 2020.

75% of mid and large scale organizations will have adopted a multi-cloud or hybrid IT strategy

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Cloud integration is on the priority list of every solution architect. A Gartner survey predicts that by 2021, 75% of mid and large scale organization will have adopted a multi-cloud or hybrid IT strategies.

By 2022, 60% of organizations will be using external cloud providers’ managed services

In 2018, 30% of organizations used external cloud providers’ managed services. The percentage is expected to double by 2022.

Sales of IT infrastructure products for the Cloud environment have increased by 2.2% in Q1 2020

While investments in non-cloud infrastructure dropped 16.3% year over year, vendor revenue from sales of public and private cloud infrastructure products have increased by 2.2% in the first quarter of 2020.

Accelerate your cloud adoption

As the proliferation of cloud is driving business transformation, Inspirisys supports enterprises to go-cloud fast and gain a competitive edge. Cloud is the weapon of choice for businesses embracing remote working strategies. We address the increasing demand for cloud solutions with security capabilities. Our expertise in cloud technologies allows us to help our clients with solving problems and advancing opportunities in a world flush with the data.

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