
Bringing Order to Chaos-From Zero Trust to Zero Touch

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Organizations around the world are forced to digitally transform like never before amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Even before the pandemic, increased cyberattacks and vulnerable endpoints are major challenges to businesses. Now, with the sudden shift to nearly 100% remote work, businesses are confronting an unprecedented wave of cyberattacks sweeping the globe. The deep-rooted strategies to defend against cyberattacks are simply not up to the task. It is essential to adapt modern and smart solutions to safeguard their employees, clients, data, and reputation. Gartner says CIOs should review their existing security posture and endpoint security should be their main area of focus. Unified Endpoint Security is the mission-critical modern solution to these modern problems. It is designed for the future of work by bridging the zero trust with zero touch.

The Expanding Cyber Attack Landscape

Zero trust security, security services, inspirisys security solutionsGlobal businesses are under the explosion of connected endpoints and it further escalates the cyber threats. To allow remote employees to access corporate data while keeping it secure, most organizations did not have solutions in place. Some trends are fuelling the cyber chaos such as the constant flow of new technologies, expanding attack surface, exponential vulnerabilities in endpoints, exponential attackers and attack types, offensive investments, geopolitical tensions, and lack of governance. The advantages offered by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning through continuous learning and proactive threat modelling of increasingly complex attacks will be critical for threat prevention and remediation strategies.

Zero Trust and Zero Touch

zero touch and zero trust, security solutions, blackberry zero trustAs Zero Trust has become a slogan in cybersecurity circles, its true value for security teams depends on whether it can also enable Zero Touch for users. Creating a Zero Trust environment may produce excessive security hurdles and inconvenience for users. In that case, they will try to avoid the system and render it useless. The key is to achieve a balance between unceasing threat protection and user productivity.

Zero Trust - Users cannot access anything on any device until they prove that they are authorized and they are not acting maliciously.

Zero Touch - It provides instant access to resources without the hassle of passwords, timeouts, special permissions, or multiple authentications and thus delivers immediate productivity.

Organizations get the best of both when Zero Trust solutions provide a path to Zero Touch. It can ensure both the security to defend against emerging cyber threats and a positive user experience that increases productivity.

Unified Endpoint Security: Where Zero Trust meets Zero Touch

inspirisys endpoint security, zero trust securityToday’s cyber threats are fostered with Artificial Intelligence to maximize the reach and impact of their attacks. Modern products require modern solutions. So, today’s cybersecurity solutions must also explore the power of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Automation. Advanced AI-based security tools can help organizations to gain the predictive time advantage they need. The next-gen cybersecurity solutions fuse the best available AI-driven tools to detect, protect, and remediate threats to every type of endpoint. Businesses need Unified Endpoint Security that delivers a comprehensive approach to calm the chaos in the cybersecurity environment.

Gartner Predicts 2020 Mobile and Endpoint Technologies report recommends to adopt security tools with Mobile Threat Defence (MTD) in existing infrastructure capabilities, rather than fundamentally change security capabilities. Based on the report, 50% of organizations will have MTD in place by 2023. Up from fewer than 20% of organizations in 2020.

Webinar by BlackBerry & Inspirisys: From Zero Trust to Zero Touch

webinar zero trust to zero touch, inspirisys webinar, blackberry webinar, inspirisys security solutions

The biggest concerns of organizations are building a cost-effective zero trust model, lack of skilled professionals, risk mitigation, BYOD in the era of remote work, user privacy, and productivity.

Join speakers Sumit Chouhan, Sr Engg. Lead - India & SAARC and Vivek Sadrangani, Sales Lead - India & SAARC - BlackBerry for the webinar: From Zero Trust to Zero Touch. This webinar will outline how BlackBerry delivers a unified platform for endpoint management and security. You will discover how to protect against the “bad” as well as how to streamline and fast-track the “good”.

During this webinar, you'll learn about:

  • Protecting your most valuable business assets
  • Detecting anomaly by spotting attack patterns using algorithms
  • Harnessing advanced AI techniques
  • Encompassing Unified Endpoint Security

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